Graphic Design
+ Art Direction:

Working at Crocs has been a huge career highlight for me so far and has allowed me to expand upon all of my creative interests. Motion graphics, layout design, ad design on small and large scales, digital-first design, social media design, conceptual design, and art and photo direction. The wide array of projects I have been a part of at Crocs has kept me on my toes and helped me grow immensely. Below you’ll see a portfolio of projects I am most proud of so far from my time here.

Croctober 2023 Organic Social Design

The social team decided they wanted to make a “Crocsified” bedroom for the start of the yearly celebration of Croctober! They wanted something that almost looked created by AI, but wanted to incorporate different easter eggs within the asset, hinting at future launches. This called for some heavy Adobe Dimension use (a program I had barely used before this project and one that I found out was not handled well when the file got over 3GB. I am very proud of how the asset turned out and I am excited to continue my journey into 3D with Cinema 4D.

I was also asked to create a festival poster style asset a few days before the launch of Croctober and Crocs’ Croc Stars. This included influencers and content creators from around the world. I love how the poster turned out given the timeframe, and using the colors and elements from our Croctober playbook to create a fun Bonnaroo/Coachella-esque poster to accompany the Crocs Room asset.

Crocs Room Mood Board

The Process

The Final Product

The Festival Poster

Lisa Frank x Crocs 2023 Concept
Design & Launch

When Lisa Frank x Crocs came back in 2023, I jumped at the opportunity to create a concept for the launch again. Through the creative brains of a designer and a copywriter, we came up with this whimsical “Lisa Frank Camouflage” concept that gave our audience a fantastical optical illusion feel on the website, all over social, in-store and even in Times Square! Below you’ll see the work from the mood boards to the final products.

Mood Boards

The Concept Work to Final Products

Shooting the shoes hanging in a mini-studio in the shape of a small room allowed me to bring the shoes into After Effects and create a 3D room scene with the shoe pattern as the wallpaper. Then, adding elements like the clouds pulled from the shoe pattern and a couple of windows with a Lisa Frank sunset really pulled the scene together and gave it that ethereal feel. Since there are two color-ways to the shoe launch, the purpose of using both shoes in the creative was to encourage Lisa Frank and Crocs lovers alike to buy both pairs so they can mix and match. The trippy room with the two styles was the perfect way to do just that. This concept work quickly turned to the final products, as the partner loved the concept from the get-go.

The two mockups here below are how the onsite turned out and these were carried out by a designer on the Ecommerce-specific team.

Crocs x Barbie Organic Social

In order to tease and hype the Barbie movie Megacrush Croc, I created this animated graphic as an elevated version of the movie poster with our Megacrush! Using the Barbie Dreamhouse artwork, I animated the sky, floats, disco ball sparkle, and palm trees in order to bring the elevation for this exciting social teaser.

Lisa Frank x Crocs 2022 Concept Design & Launch

One of the coolest parts of working for Crocs creative is getting to concept and design around product and licensed product releases. Lisa Frank was the first big license I had the opportunity to design the launch around. From the initial mood boards, to concept photoshoot and mockups, to art directing the shoot, to post production - I was heavily involved from start to finish on this project and it was a huge success for the Crocs and Lisa Frank partnership.

Inspiration Imagery

I shot the photos below using my camera equipment, effect filters and a mini photo box we have at the office in order to bring what I had going on in my head to life for the concept. And below the photos, you’ll see various mockups that came after!

The Concept Work

The Final Product

The photo team ended up reshooting the products to make sure everything was sharp, but I art directed on the shoot with my concept and a couple of my camera filters in play. Below you’ll see contest and launch assets that came from the final shoot and designs. While e-commerce and print took on their assets, I had responsibility for designing the final digital and social assets, so those will be what you see below. I also did post-production work on all of the photo assets, including adding in effects.

Megacrush & Height Campaign Products Launch Look & Feel

Being able to design the look & feel for such a huge product launch was such a cool opportunity. Being on the social and design team, I typically don’t have the bandwidth to take on something like this and work with other teams, but I made the time and it was worth it. Here you’ll see my concept from beginning ideas, to mockups, to final execution.

Initial Mood Boards

The Concept Work for Megacrush

This concept work shows how the marketing for the height line shoes outside of the Megacrush collection would look brought to life. This one is supposed to be a more classic/simple approach as a look and feel. Again, type treatment, background, color palette, layout. These mockups show the creative elements I created in different spaces.

The Concept Work for
Mainline Height Products

Type treatment, background, color palette, layout, motion opportunities. These mockups show the creative elements I created in different spaces.

The Final Product

I ended up creating a second headline for Megacrush with the type treatment “Mega Height, Mega Style.” Additionally, Crocs hired out an agency to create some amazing animated and illustrated photo and video content for our use with the assets already designed. Below you’ll see the final digital assets, as well as some paid media assets that I designed for the campaign later on!

Product and On Figure Art Direction

Below you will see a collection of photo shoots I art directed for. For the product and on-figure Jibbitz shoots, I was the main art director, working with the stylist, producer, and photographer. For the holiday on-figure shoot, I assisted in art direction via styling, direction, and production.

Crocs x Smiley World Concept & Launch

Another concept, another fun time! Working on this concept for Smiley World and seeing it come to life digitally was a blast.

The Inspiration Board

The Concept Work & Development

Below you’ll see the concept I brought to life in a few different formats. The concept developed as final just about the same as the original mockups, and you’ll see a few social media assets I designed in addition to the onsite look and feel. This concept was largely centered around being authentic, as it’s okay to have good and bad days, and encouragement from within and those around us is what gets us through!

Crocs x Rack Room Holiday Videos

With video clips and imagery to support, I conceptualized and designed these fun animated videos for our 2021 Holiday campaign. Below are the YouTube ad versions, and below those you’ll see some social media versions as well. I loved bringing multiple elements into this animated project and having fun with some 3D After Effects work.

Crocs x Margaritaville Concept

This concept for the Margaritaville Crocs launch was so incredibly fun to work on. Although the partnership didn’t end up choosing my concept to continue with, I am very proud of the creativity that went into this one. I was very obviously heavily influenced by my personal love of miniatures, as well as my love for treasure hunts!

Inspiration Imagery

The Concept Work

For this one, I got creative with my resources in order to bring my concept to life. I utilized my camera equipment, the team’s photo box, some tiny hiker figurines I ordered during lockdown for creative photoshoots, and some kid-friendly sand and mini palm trees I ordered from Amazon. Below are the main shots I gathered, as well as the landing page mockups that came after.

Crocs x Vera Bradley x Harry Potter Concept & Launch

When I heard Crocs was making a Harry Potter release, I jumped on the opportunity to design a concept for it! I had the idea of using the characters in the pattern as little “storytellers” to explain the shoe. These characters came to life with some animation and layout design through this concept!

Crocs Echo Release Social Media Design

To release the Echo shoe on social media, I was asked to create something innovative and fun for organic social, that combined the organic social feel with our brand feel, assets, and photography. I ended up coming up with this really cool carousel design you’ll see below. It performed quite well on social too, especially considering that branded content doesn’t always perform as well for us. I am super proud of this one!

You’ll also see below a cool cutout video I made for the second Echo release a few months later!

Animated Social Media Videos

Inspired by old WordArt and meme-like culture, the social team asked me to make these fun animations for our organic social channels. I had a good time making these, from the 3D text and element design and animation, to picking catchy music to go along with the vibe.

Crocs x License Social Media Animations

When Crocs releases a license shoe, we are asked to create something social and digital-first to use on organic social. Most of the time, I am asked to make these one-off assets for the social team. Here are a few below that are the most notable.

Croctober 2021 Social Media Animation

With about a 48 hour turnaround time, I was asked to come up with an exciting and fun animation for the Croctober launch. Croctober is a big campaign that Croc does every year, and includes a Croc Day release on October 23rd, and limited releases of different products. It’s a way to celebrate Crocs fans and the anniversary of Crocs. I designed this animation with some brand elements from the campaign, as well as by pulling in the Lil Classic figurine to make it more social-first feeling. This was one of the first really big projects I got pulled into at Crocs and I was happy to be able to knock this one out of the park!

And below that you’ll see a paid media rendition I made as well.

Crocs x Bitmoji Release Organic Social Media Animation

As another quick turnaround project, I was asked to create an animation for the announcement of Crocs for Bitmojis. All I had to work with here were the pngs of the Bitmojis wearing Crocs, so I am happy this catchy little video was able to come out of that. I had the idea of taking the custom SnapCode and animating it somehow, as well as bringing in the 2D shoes to rotate around and giving the Bitmoji characters some personality too. Very proud of this one too!

Organic Social-First Designs

A great way for Crocs to connect with the audience is through social media memes. One part of my job at Crocs is to create funny content that is relatable on the organic social media platforms, while also keeping the brand in mind. Below you’ll see an assortment of meme-style graphics I designed for our organic social team!


Parachute Media | Nashville, TN